Configuration file

The test runner can read a configuration file. For now, only the TOML format is supported. Its path can be specified by using the -c PATH flag.



Some features are not available for every file system. For tests requiring such features, the execution becomes opt-in. The user can enable their execution, by adding the corresponding feature as a key in this section. A list of these opt-in features is provided when executing the runner with -l argument.

For example, with posix_fallocate:

posix_fallocate = {}

# Can also be specified by using key notation

Feature configuration



Some tests are related to file flags. However, not all file systems and operating systems support all flags. To give a sufficient level of granularity, each supported flag can be specified in the configuration with the file_flags array.

posix_fallocate = {}
file_flags = ["UF_IMMUTABLE"]


Some tests require a secondary file system. This can be specified in the configuration with the secondary_fs key, but also with the secondary_fs argument. The argument takes precedence over the configuration.

secondary_fs = "/mnt/ISO"


This section allows to modify the mecanism for switching users, which is required by some tests.

entries = [
  ["nobody", "nobody"],
  # nogroup instead for some Linux distros
  # ["nobody", "nogroup"],
  ["tests", "tests"],
  ["pjdfstest", "pjdfstest"],
  • entries - An entry is composed of a username and its associated group. Exactly 3 entries need to be specified if the runner default ones cannot be used.


naptime = 0.001
allow_remount = false
  • naptime - The duration for a "short" sleep. It should be greater than the timestamp granularity of the file system under test. The default value is 1 second.
  • allow_remount - If set to true, the runner will run the EROFS tests, which require to remount the file system on which pjdsfstest is run as read-only.